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HANNAH - Majewski’s Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism type II (MOPDII)

My name is Hannah.   I am a high school graduate and love doing lyrical ballet and hip hop dancing. I currently compete in Hip Hop dance competitions and feel that I am pretty good at it. I love to draw, sing and act. I traveled around the world for 5 years in the play, "The Dollhouse".  I am 19 years old and 39 inches tall and weigh 30 pounds. I will not grow anymore because of my type of dwarfism called Majewski’s Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism type II (MOPDII).  MOPDII is a form of dwarfism that results in a smaller body size in all stages of life beginning from before birth, hence the term Primordial.. Unlike some of the other forms of dwarfism where newborn infants can have average lengths, children with MOPDII are born smaller than average. Typically, people with MOPDII are born with very low birth weights.  At birth, infants with MOPDII are very small as I was, usually weighing less than 3 pounds and less than 16 inches in length.  More specifically, MOPDII is a diagnostic category including specific types of profoundly proportionate dwarfism, in which individuals are extremely small for their age. Unlike many other forms of dwarfism, MOPDII differs in that most all of the bones and organs of the body are proportionally smaller than in an average person.

 After birth, growth continues at a slow rate, leaving people with MOPDII years behind their peers in height and in weight. One characteristic of people with MOPDII includes a change in body proportions. Head size is proportionate to body size at birth. However, as children grow and develop, the head grows slower than the body and becomes disproportionately small but not obviously small. Loose joints with occasional dislocation or subluxation of the elbows, hips; coxa vera and knees are possible ie: congenital hips and elbows.. There can be spine issues such as curvature of the spine (scoliosis). Some facial features associated with MOPDII are prominent nose and eyes, small or missing teeth, and a high squeaky voice. Major risk factors for this type of dwarfism are the increased possibility for vessel aneurysms. That is why I have to have an MRA/CTA annually. With research we are realizing the evidence of kidney and heart problems as well.

 My type of dwarfism has never slowed me down or stopped me from doing the things that I enjoy. When I am finished with school I want to rescue animals and run a day care for them.  If they are injured or abandoned I would like to care for them. I would also like to be a dance teacher because I enjoy dancing so much. Whatever I end up doing will be just fine as long as I am happy!

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